Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Curse of the Pharaoh: Ancient Statue in UK Museum Spins 180° - June 23, 2013

The curse of the Pharaoh.

A 4,000-year-old Ancient Egyptian statue has puzzled curators at Manchester museum after the relic started to mysteriously spin 180 degrees on its own.

The 10-inch tall relic, which dates back to 1800 BC, was found in a mummy's tomb and has spent 80 years at the Manchester Museum.

The statue, named Neb-Senu is an offering to the Egyptian God Osiris, God of the dead.

The Egyptian God Osiris

However, in recent weeks, curators were spooked after they kept finding the statue facing the wrong way. Experts decided to monitor the room on time-lapse video and were astonished to see it clearly show the statuette spinning 180 degrees - with nobody going near it

The statue is seen to remain still at night but slowly rotate round during the day, 'Manchester Evening News' reported.

Scientists who explored the Egyptian tombs in the 1920s were popularly believed to be struck by a 'curse of the Pharaohs'.

Campbell Price, a curator at the museum on Oxford Road, believes there may be a spiritual explanation to the spinning statue.

"I noticed one day that it had turned around. I thought it was strange because it is in a case and I am the only one who has a key. I put it back but then the next day it had moved again” said Price.

In Ancient Egypt they believed that if the mummy is destroyed then the statuette can act as an alternative vessel for the spirit. indiatimes


Chupacabra Caught On Tape? 2013

Legend says that chupacabras are doglike animals with long snouts that suck the blood of goats and other livestock. Sightings of these evil-looking creatures have been reported from Latin America to the southern U.S.

While some say the chupacabra is nothing but a legend, a family has video they say might suggest otherwise.

Margaux Huckabay says her brother spotted the legendary chupacabra. Her brother quickly grabbed his phone and started recording the animal.

"It definitely looks weird," she said. "It has a really long nose and a really long tail."

Huckabay couldn't believe it and still wonders whether this is really the goat blood sucker everyone talks about.

"I actually Google-imaged chupacabra, and it looks just like the other images. It's kind of freaky," she said.X

After spotting it, the next night Huckabay and her brother drove back to the area. It was nowhere to be seen.

They did, however, post it on Facebook, and people are chiming in with their thoughts.

"People were saying it's probably like a coyote with mange, but then someone wrote back that doesn't look like a coyote. It has a long tail," she said.

Either way, whatever it was, it may still be lurking around the city.

"But it would be cool if we saw it again," Huckabay said.

Many scientists believe that the animals purported to be chupacabra are coyotes with a severe infection of the animal version of scabies.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Supermoon on June 23, 2013: Don't Fear the Supermoon, NASA Says!

Don't fear the 'Supermoon". There is no reason for anybody to dread the largest full moon of 2013, known as the "supermoon," a NASA scientist says.

On Sunday (June 23), the moon will reach perigee — the closest point to Earth in the rocky satellite's orbit around the planet. Although some people have suggested that the "supermoon"  phenomenon may be associated with increased risk of events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, cause natural disasters and wreak havoc on the tides, but there is scant evidence in support of those claims, NASA assures.

NASA planetary geologist Noah Petro said that while the tides might be slightly higher because of the moon's close approach, it won't make a noticeable difference for the average observer.


Certain prognosticators have moved the goalposts to within 1 or 2 weeks of a "supermoon" to suggest a causal relationship with specific natural disasters.

"Supermoons" that have "Coincided" with Natural Disasters

Devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Indonesia on Dec. 26, 2004 occurred about two weeks prior to a "supermoon" on Jan. 10, 2005.

"Supermoon" occurred on Jan. 30, 2010, about two weeks after the catastrophic earthquake that hit Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010.

Catastrophic earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011 occurred about one week prior to the "supermoon" on March 19, 2011

"Supermoon" occurred on Feb. 21, 2011 just before the devastating earthquake that hit Christchurch, New Zealand on Feb. 22, 2011.

Additional information 'Weather forecast' channels:

Skywatcher88: Solar Activity Update - AR-1777 Unleashes an M2.9-Flare/CME

SuspiciousObservers: Destabilization Signals, Flooding, M2 Solar Flare and Weather Extremes, Fast Solar Wind and Proton Flux

Perexusrex: Will this Sunday’s supermoon bring another damaging quake? Due to another CME and other solar activity upon the sun, when combined with Sunday’s "supermoon", an earthquake watch of 7.0 or greater magnitude is in effect from now until June 25th, 2013.


The moon does obviously have an influence on the Earth. ,

Strange Flames on the International Space Station - June 21, 2013

Fire, it is often said, is mankind's oldest chemistry experiment.

For thousands of years, people have been mixing the oxygen-rich air of Earth with an almost endless variety of fuels to produce hot luminous flame.

Flames are hard to understand because they are complicated. In an ordinary candle flame, thousands of chemical reactions take place.

The familiar teardrop shape of the flame is an effect caused by gravity. Hot air rises and draws fresh cool air behind it. This is called buoyancy and is what makes the flame shoot up and flicker.

But what happens when you light a candle, say, on the International Space Station (ISS)?

In microgravity, flames burn differently—they form little spheres.

Recently, Williams and colleagues were doing an ISS experiment called "FLEX" to learn how to put out fires in microgravity when they came across something odd. Small droplets of heptane were burning inside the FLEX combustion chamber. As planned, the flames went out, but unexpectedly the droplets of fuel continued burning. They seemed to be burning without flames.

Ordinary, visible fire burns at a high temperature between 1500K and 2000K. Heptane flame balls on the ISS started out in this "hot fire" regime. But as the flame balls cooled and began to go out, a different kind of burning took over.

Cool flames burn at the relatively low temperature of 500K to 800K and their chemistry is completely different. Normal flames produce soot, CO2 and water. Cool flames produce carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.

It is possible that some unidentified flying orbs/spheres are related to ‘cool flame’ processes? sciencenasagov


Friday, June 21, 2013

New UFO Files Released by Britain's Ministry of Defense - June 21, 2013

The mystery behind the closure of the Ministry of Defence's UFO desk and hotline in 2009 has been solved with the release of declassified files.

On June 21, 2013, Britain's Ministry of Defense disclosed a new batch of UFO files for sightings which occurred between 2007-2009, so this will be the final release of such files from Britain.

The Government shut down its UFO operations because they served "no defence purpose" and were taking staff away from "more valuable defence-related activities", according to 25 files from the National Archives.

Documents reveal 643 sightings were reported in 2009, treble the previous year and the second highest recorded since 1978 when 750 sightings were logged.

They include accounts of alleged abductions, contact with aliens - including a person who claimed they'd been living with an alien - and UFO sightings near UK landmarks like the Houses of Parliament.

Despite these, in a briefing for then defence minister Bob Ainsworth in November 2009, Carl Mantell, of the RAF's Air Command, said in more than 50 years, "no UFO sighting reported to (MoD) has ever revealed anything to suggest an extra-terrestrial presence or military threat to the UK".

The memo said there was "no defence benefit" in the recording, collating, analysis or investigation of the sightings, adding: "The level of resources diverted to this task is increasing in response to a recent upsurge in reported sightings, diverting staff from more valuable defence-related activities."

Officials predicted a backlash from "ufologists" to the decision to close the UFO desk, and also noted that they had "deliberately avoided formal approaches to other governments on the issue" amid fears of "international collaboration and conspiracy".

The files also revealed campaigns by ufologists for the Government to investigate sightings more thoroughly, with letters sent to senior ministers, former prime minister Gordon Brown and even the Queen, calling for more action.

After the closure, air traffic control centres and local police forces were advised to no longer refer UFO sightings to the MoD.

An official MoD statement said: "The Ministry of Defence has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life.


Highlights from the final release of files from the Ministry of Defence.


A serious threat claims author.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Latest Curiosity Photograph Shows Another "Mars Rat"? - June 21, 2013

The Curiosity Mars rat that drew a lot of attention following commentaries by social media users will remain a mystery to many.

A lot of people saying that this rodent, lizard, guinea pig or squirrel was part of a NASA experiment to test how long it would live on the surface of Mars. It’s certainly plausible that NASA would engage in such experiments

NASA explains that despite its appearance, the infamous Mars rat is most likely a rock.

NASA: “Clearly, it results from a lot of things like wind erosion and mechanical abrasion and breakdown chemical weathering of the rocks, as to why they get these weird shapes.”


The psychological phenomenon “pareidolia” is the tendency to find faces, or facial features in inanimate objects (often an image or sound). Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds. Humans sometimes see things where they are not.

"Pareidolia" effect or another Mars rat?

Curiosity photograph (SOL 0310) shows another Mars Rat.
Rear Hazcam:
Date: June 20, 2013
Time: 13:55:06 UTC

Is it a Rock or is it a Rat?

Original Image (Link to original image)

Mars Rat?

The same photograph shows a fossilized alien skull.

Please decide for yourself.

Incredible Flying Saucer Materializes Next To The Sun - June 20, 2013

Incredible object caught by Soho, which clearly shows a flying saucer materializes next to the Sun.

Object is very well defined and clearly has rings or a protection shield around its exterior.

The right side of the object seems to be reflecting the sun rays.

 There are also five black dots around the sun. Maybe smaller craft?

 Video: Large Flying Saucer

Video: Five Small Flying Saucers

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Aliens Earth Takeover 2013 - Possible Aliens running the World!

Aliens Earth Takeover 2013.

Full details as to possible Aliens running the World ?

A full length documentary for the new Waking up people to learn what is known in one complete hit.

The aliens running the world is not often spoke about, but it is a real possibility and does go some way to explain the wacky nutty leaders moves ?

Watch it and in any event you will be more aware of area 51 Dulce and FEMA camps and the NWO plans.

And something to keep in mind when weird things happen in the world. Specifically aimed at NEW Viewers who have never seen or heard of Phil Schneider , Thomas Castello, etc, but know things are NOT right in this world!


Related article: The largest Reptilian and Grey Base in America

Ghost Caught On Camera: Angel Saves Dying Child In Hospital?

A 14-year-old girl with a history of serious health issues lay dying of pneumonia in a hospital room. But as her mother waited for the girl to take her last breath, an image of bright light appeared on a security monitor. Within an hour, the dying girl began a recovery that doctors are at a loss to explain.

But Colleen Banton, the girl's mother, has an explanation. "This was an image of an angel," she told NBC News in a story reported Tuesday on TODAY. She credited the apparition with saving the life of her daughter Chelsea.

The incident happened in Charlotte, N.C., Chelsea had been born five weeks prematurely with developmental disabilities and had battled serious health problems all her life.

She is particularly susceptible to the types of pneumonia infections that had taken her to death's door. Told that there was no hope for Chelsea, Colleen Banton had just instructed doctors to take her daughter off life support and allow nature to take its course when the apparition was seen.

It would be another two months before Chelsea finally left the hospital to return home, where she is about to celebrate her 15th birthday as well as Christmas. Her mother is convinced that Chelsea was saved by divine intervention.


Massive eruption and shock wave at Popocatépetl Volcano - June 19, 2013 (Video)

Mexico’s active Popocatepetl volcano has registered a massive explosion spewing ash and incandescent rock almost 4 kilometers high.

Authorities have warned that winds could blow the ash cloud as far away as Mexico City. Inhabitants of villages up to 25 kilometers from Popocatepetl (colloquially known as ‘Don Popo’) rushed out of their houses when the massive explosion reverberated through their homes. 

Esther Matinez, resident of Amecameca municipality, told Mexican publication La Jornada that the blast was like a rocket explosion. Around 4.5 million people live within a 50-kilometer radius of the active volcano, 650,000 of whom are considered to be at high risk.

According to authorities in the state of Puebla, where the second-tallest volcano in Mexico is located, the incandescent fragments released in the blast fell as far as 2 kilometers from the crater. Director of Puebla’s Civil Protection department Jesus Morales said that burning rocks sparked small fires around the volcano. 

“There were clouds at the time of the eruption so it was possible to observe the large shock wave accompanied by a plume of ash and incandescent material,” Morales said.

Mexico's National Center for Prevention of Disasters (Cenapred) said the volcano had returned to its previous activity level, and that the volcanic alert level would remain at ‘yellow phase two.’ In addition, volcanic ash that was blown up to 4 kilometers into the air could be shifted by wind currents and then fall on Puebla, or even as far away as Mexico City, Cenapred warned.

Popocatepetl had previously been in phase two after breaking the record for the most volcanic emissions in one day – the 5,452 –meter-tall giant gave off 300 emissions in just one day in May.

In December 2000, the volcano registered one of its largest eruptions in recent history, prompting the mass evacuation of the surrounding countryside. The name Popocatepetl originates from the native Mexican Nahuatl language and means ‘smoking mountain.’ RT



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wing-Shaped UFO captured on solar telescope fly out of the Sun - June 17, 2013

There are agencies who do not want you to know the truth about UFOs.

UFOs are not necessarily alien space-craft from another galaxy and/or dimension piloted by more intelligent beings than wild and savage humans, since they could very well represent military terrestrial craft or natural phenomena.

Also UFOs are always near our sun. UFO’s flying into the sun, and fly out of the sun.

When we talk about UFO’s fly out of the sun, recently a UFO captured on solar telescope, seems to come out of the sun.

The question arises whether these objects using the sun as an energy source or these objects are using a portal that was facilitated by the Sun.

Is the sun is a converter from another dimensionality and they coming out a portal by using the sun's energy?


Monday, June 17, 2013

Amateur Telescope See's Moon Pyramid - June 2013

A pyramid on the Moon located by an amateur telescope? 

Apollo 17 NASA Lunar photograph AS17-136-20680 shows after adjusting the contrast, a pyramid. We have many different pyramids here on earth. This Apollo photo confirm at least one type of pyramid on the moon.

Could this be another? 

Could this be a stepped pyramid on the moon? 

 So is this a pyramid captured by an amateur telescope or is it just an optical illusion?


Popocatepetl Volcano UFO - Gas from the volcano is being displaced by UFO 2013

There have been quite a few UFOs seen around the Popocatepetl Volcano near Mexico City. Each cause a lot of debate, the latest included. On May 30, 2013, Televisa recorded a video of a bright object going into the volcano.

Openmindstv talked to Mexican UFO expert, Jaime Maussan to get the latest update on his investigation into this latest Popocatepetl UFO sighting.

Jaime Maussan provided us with a better version of the video, and when we zoom in (video), you can see the gas from the volcano is being displaced by the object.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bright UFO spotted over Weaverville, NC - June 8, 2013

A bright, low-flying unidentified object spotted over Weaverville, NC.

Video taken using 3rd generation military night vision equipment during a Starwatch night vision tour.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Roswell UFO Incident - 66 Years ago!

The Roswell UFO incident took place in the USA in 1947, when an airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, on July 7, 1947.

Explanations of what actually took place are based on both official and unofficial communications. The most popular theory of what happened is that the object was a spacecraft containing extraterrestrial life.

On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) public information officer Walter Haut in Roswell, New Mexico, issued a press release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Operations Group had recovered a "flying disk", which had crashed on a ranch near Roswell.

Later that day, the press reported that Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force Roger Ramey had stated that a weather balloon was recovered by the RAAF personnel.

In 1978, physicist and ufologist Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel who was involved with the original recovery of the debris in 1947. Marcel expressed his belief that the military covered up the recovery of an alien spacecraft.

In 1989, former mortician Glenn Dennis put forth a detailed personal account, wherein he claimed alien autopsies were carried out at the Roswell base.

In 1999, a British man stunned the world by releasing video of the alien autopsy that he said he had acquired from a source within the U.S. military. A few years later the man admitted that he had made the video himself, but he insisted that it was a recreation of actual footage of the alien autopsy which was destroyed when the original film was exposed to air.

Below the video of the alleged alien autopsy.


But there is a second video.

In this video besides the alleged alien autopsy, there are also recordings of a crash site, dead alien bodies and a living being. It is not clear whether all these recordings are related to the Roswell UFO incident.


Despite the many testimonies, the Roswell UFO incident remains a mystery what really happened in 1947.

Accused Reptilian Alien Confronted - June 16, 2013

Veteran UFO researcher Antonio Huneeus was recently accused of either being a sinister reptilian extraterrestrial, or under the control of extraterrestrials.

Openmindstv give Antonio the opportunity to address these claims.

They also discuss some interesting UFO videos and more on this episode of Spacing Out!


Friday, June 14, 2013

Strange activities around the Sun - June 15, 2013

Solar activity will continue to increase as the solar cycle progresses toward solar maximum, expected in the 2013 time frame.

Despite 4 X-solar flares last month and a M5.9 solar flare on June 7, the sun shows little activity at the moment.

The sunspot number may be low, but the sun is far from blank. Amateur astronomers monitoring the sun report a large number of magnetic filaments snaking across the solar disk.

Weird filaments are popping up all over the solar surface and each one has a unique shape and length.

The longest one, in the sun's southern hemisphere stretches, more than 400,000 km from end to end.

If any of the filaments collapses, it could hit the stellar surface and explode, producing a Hyder flare.

The two videos show remarkable and strange activities and unknown objects around the sun which may be related to the increased number of magnetic filaments. The recordings show activities of the past two weeks.

NASA is now predicting that the Sun may generate unprecedented solar storms for a lengthy period in 2013.

Calm before the ‘solar’ storm?


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hammertime: UFO or Geology Hammer? 2013

Apollo 17 just prior to liftoff.

One of the last things that Harrison H. "Jack" Schmitt did while on the surface of the moon at the end of the last lunar EVA of the Apollo program was to throw their one and only Geology hammer off into the distance.

Nasa's explanation for this: 

The Geology Hammer

The  interesting video below shows the EVA just prior to liftoff and astronaut Schmitt who throws the hammer:


More information and photographs about the geology hammer 'UFO' at nasa's website: Where on the Moon is Jack Schmitt's hammer? streetcap1

UFO over Rybnik, Poland disappears behind clouds - June 10, 2013

An unidentified bright flying object caught on camera on June 10, 2013.

After a while the object disappeared behind the clouds.

Location: Rybnik, Poland.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

UFO Sightings Top Five Whistle Blowers Insight On Alien Contact 2013

UFO Sightings Incredible Top Five Whistle Blowers Insight On Alien Contact!

Exclusive 2013 Kerry Cassidy Whistle Blower from Project Camelot explains on what the Alien and Government Agenda is up to and Space Jumping to Mars!


Aliens Are Real - Watch This Banned From UK TV! 2013

Tall White Aliens. We call Nordics.

This interview was filmed in the 1970's and this video is out for public viewing.

However it was banned from UK TV in the 1970,s.

The woman claimed to have her encounter in the 1960's.

In my opinion a very credible witness, especially from someone who doesn't know what a flying saucer is.


Tornadic waterspout rips through the South of France - June 9, 2013

A natural phenomenon more common for America, a tornado, has hit the South of France shocking locals and holidaymakers on the Côte d'Azur, the Mediterranean coastline.

As thousands in Central Europe are struggling to cope with devastating floods which have already claimed the lives of at least 21 people, a tornado ripped through the French Riviera on Sunday morning.

The violently rotating column of air and water formed off the coast not far from popular resort towns of Cannes and Nice.

Photo taken in Nice above Marina Baie Des Anges (AFP Photo/Valerie Hache)

The phenomenon was observed from the Cagnes-sur-Mer commune in southeastern France, rising off to Villeneuve-Loubet and Antibes, reports RT

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

UFO collided with Chinese Passenger Plane at 26,000 Ft. - June 2013

A passenger jet was forced to make an emergency landing after a mysterious mid-air collision with a 'foreign object' at 26,000 ft. severely dented its nose cone.

The plane was climbing over China when a large bang was heard from the front of aircraft.

The pilots of Air China flight CA4307 left Chengdu on the morning of June 4, headed for Guangzhou contacted the control tower of Chengdu airport, requesting an emergency landing due to "mechanical failure" and returned to Chengdu for an emergency landing. No one was hurt in the mysterious incident.

The pilots reported a "mechanical failure", but these images taken by a passenger tell a very different story. In these images the damage to the airplane is visible. The front of the Air China Boeing 757 had been pushed in and scratches and scraped paintwork The nose of the aircraft shows evidence of the collision, the question here is, with what did this Boeing 757 collide at 8000 meters?

China Daily reports the damage was due to a collision with a bird. However, a bird strike was ruled out “due to a lack of blood, feathers or any other bird remains.” Besides, the plane’s elevation was too high for birds.

There are speculations that the collision was caused by a UFO or a drone strike.

It is not the first time. There are dozens of reports of near misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft.

Just last week, it emerged that three passenger jet pilots saw UFOs above Britain's Scientology headquarters in West Sussex on their approach to Gatwick Airport.

The pilots reported seeing two flat, silver discs during their approach into Gatwick Airport. Some of them reported the discs flying within 100 feet of their aircraft.

Air traffic control says they did catch six UFOs on radar, and that soon after the radar signals appeared, they suddenly vanished.

source: thecosmosnews , openmindstv , chinadaily

Monday, June 10, 2013

Huge UFO Orb hovering over Rome, Italy - June 8, 2013

Witness: "I was filming another object when it suddenly came on a ball of fire orange red on the size of the full moon was not able to estimate the magnitude".

"It passed very close to my house without making a noise was moving from west to south, then disappeared behind my building". zetareticoli2010

Aliens surround the sun with a flotilla of solar-cells 2013

Now, in search of extraterrestrial intelligence, a team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy are seeking funding from private funders as they have planned to build a $1 billion megatelescope.

The telescope — called Colossus — would be a massive 250-foot (77 meters) telescope, which is more than double the aperture of any telescope yet constructed.

The sensitivity of the ‘heat-seeking’ scope, though, could be enough to spot cities or other signs of aliens for planets as far as 60 to 70 light-years from Earth.

The team builds on a concept first proposed by British physicist Freeman Dyson in the 1960s. Humans can capture only a fraction of the energy sent out by the sun, but a more advanced civilization would want to grab as much as possible.

Photo: Freemason Dyson. Long Now Seminar, San Francisco, October 05, 2005

Already in 1959, Dyson reasoned as follows: since we seem to have an insatiable hunger for energy, it makes sense to assume that aliens have the same. To satisfy their craving for kilowatt-hours, extraterrestrials who are centuries more advanced than we are will surround the sun with an orbiting flotilla of solar-cells, allowing them to capture a large fraction of their star's energy output.

Is Dyson's statement unreal..

With the modern techniques, satellites (SOHO, Helioviewer), advanced telescopes and cameras, we have seen many solid objects near the sun. These objects have different shapes, sizes and have a material structure and they are in different points in space near the sun. Some objects remain on the same position for many weeks.

There is massive fleet of UFOs operating near the sun, which confirm the existence of a certain civilization whose spacecraft are capable of resting extremely high temperatures, using their shields or ‘solar-cells’ to capture the energy they need for their spacecraft.

Hopefully, the team gets the funding it needs.

More information about this project::
Videos and photographs of  objects near the sun:  UFOs near the Sun

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Awesome Aurora 'UFO' Phenomenon above Yerevan Armenia 2013

Last year, a strange phenomenon appeared in the night sky above the city Yerevan in Armenia.

A UFO-like object with a multiple green cones as if wrapped around some invisible object and a green disc perfect in uniformity, before a blue disc with tail that looks like a focused flame of plasmatic awesomeness.

It appears to be the result of highly charged particles colliding within the thermosphere. This occurs during geomagnetic storms causing electromagnetic plasma shows. usually green sometimes blue or red this is called a discrete aurora.

Not everyone is convinced that it is a discrete aurora. The opinions vary from light on the lens, laser show, a stargate or a UFO.


UFO With S-Shaped Fin Photographed Over Netherlands Castle - June 2013

On May 25, Corinne Federer and her mother visited the Muiderslot Castle, built in 1285 near Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Federer and a photographer, was shooting High Dynamic Range, or HDR, photos of the castle. Literally faster than the eye could follow, an unusual object was accidentally photographed above the Castle.

It was a tubular-shaped object that had an S-shaped fin on it.

If it had been any type of missile, it would've had multiple fins, but facing the same direction. Federer said: "We heard nothing, it was completely quiet out". Read full article - More photo's


The UFO Enigma of Flying Spheres 2013

They have been seen by thousands of eye witnesses.

Since World War 2, strange Flying Spheres have been reported and filmed making impossible maneuvers compared to terrestrial aircraft.

They can avoid radar and even disable tracking and flight instrumentation. They have been seen by military pilots, airline pilots, NASA space shuttle pilots, and even International Space Station personnel. Is their origin extraterrestrial?

Despite all efforts, Flying Spheres still remain a mystery to UFO researchers.

This program presents everything we now know about this amazing mystery along with a stunning selection of authentic video footage of the Flying Spheres. ufotvstudios


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Alien spacecraft back engineered - The Flux Liner

A new documentary is in the works about the discoveries of aerospace illustrator, Mark McCandlish.

He says information has been shared with him about an Alien Reproduction Vehicle built by the military using technology that has been back engineered from alien technology. openmindstv


Friday, June 7, 2013

Pole Shift News: Magnetic north pole has moved 161 miles in 6 months - June 2013

Pole Shift News.

According to Youtube user MrMaverickstar the magnetic north pole has moved 161 miles in 6 months only, this puts its arrival in Siberia in less that 2 years, and it is when it arrives there that it will have migrated 40 degrees across the northern hemisphere.

At this point the poles will shift at high speed over the equator until it reaches 40 degrees south.

Meanwhile, scientists say earth’s magnetic field is weakening and could all but disappear in as little as 500 years as a precursor to flipping upside down. It has happened before – the geological record suggests the magnetic field has reversed every 250,000 years, meaning that, with the last event 800,000 years ago, another would seem to be overdue. “Magnetic north has migrated more than 1,500 kilometers over the past century,” said Conall Mac Niocaill, an earth scientist at Oxford University. “In the past 150 years, the strength of the magnetic field has lessened by 10 percent, which could indicate a reversal is on the cards.. Continue reading here (reuters , theextictionprotocol).

MrMaverickstar: "I will tell you what I expect to happen when it goes past the 40 degrees point in the coming uploads".


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The helical model - our Galaxy is a vortex

Our Galaxy is a Vortex.

Notes on the video below:

The Milky Way

1. The Milky Way itself travels through space at appr. 600 km/s.
2. The image used for texturing the Milky Way is NOT a picture of the 3. Milky Way. There are no pictures of the outside of the Milky Way.  4. There could either be a black hole or a central sun in the center of the Milky Way. I went with the texture image and made it shine.
5. A complete revolution around the galaxy takes 226 million years.
6. Do not confuse the Galactic Plane with the Galactic Equator: the Sun never "crosses" the Galactic Equator because the Sun is always on the Galactic Equator, by definition.

Precession Cycle

1. One precession cycle takes 25,920 years.
2. Since one revolution takes 226 mln years, this would mean that there are appr. 8692 precessional cycles in one revolution. In this animation there are only 60.

Scale and Distance

1. The Sun is 109 times bigger than the Earth. If this animation was to scale, the planets would be invisible.    2. Our Solar System should be a gazillion times smaller compared to the Milky Way. If this animation was to scale, you could not see the Solar System, the Sun or any of the planets.
3. The software used to create this animation is unable to work with extreme sizes and distances.


Giants Once Roamed the Earth

The Allegewi Hopewell mound builders inhabited the Ohio Valley from 3,000 BC to 500 AD, then disappeared, leaving only their giant skeletons--nine feet tall in some cases--the mounds, and a huge mystery.

Could it be these people were related to the same-sized humanoids found in the rest of the ancient world, including in the British Isles, who may have constructed Stonehenge and other sites?

Are these the giant "Amorites" mentioned in the Bible?

Are these our ancestors, or some other species entirely?


Related articles:
Human Giants from the past, a myth or reality?
Nephilim Revelations: Are they still here?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jellyfish 'EBANI - biological entity' UFO Over Peru? 2013

Unusual UFO seen by multiple witness's over Peru on May 30, 2013.

The object changed shape multiple times and some onlookers thought it could be a living thing, like a jellyfish.

Cameraman Christian Ubillús from TV channel Frecuencia Latina filmed the object 10 consecutive minutes. The video was then broadcast during the news program 90 Segundos.

According to the Peruvian blog site Nuestro Pasado Extra Terrestra, the object might be a EBANI, an unknown biological entity.

Allegedly, EBANI's are organic beings because they are moving in an intelligent way.


UFO Probe Caught Travelling Down Road In Prokopyevsky, Russia 2013

CCTV of an industrial site in Prokopyevsky, Russia, recorded an unknown object that was moving along a side road near the complex.


Deadly close range: Video shows Storm Chasers caught in powerful Oklahoma Tornado - June 2013

A dramatic video of a tornado near Oklahoma City on Friday shows a group of storm chasers racing to escape the twister.

In the video, Oklahoma University meteorology student Brandon Sullivan and fellow storm chaser Brett Wright speed down a rural road dangerously close to one of the 17 tornadoes reported in the Midwest on May 31, 2013.

Brett and Brandon got extremely close to a violent tornadic circulation that produced multiple tornadoes in very close range.

The team was hit by inflow jet winds into the tornado and their vehicle received damage as a barn was completely destroyed. A hay bale came barreling across the road and was tossed into their car.

The team is very fortunate to live to chase another day.

Incredible storm chaser traffic prevented an escape from the tornado like normal..

There have been fatalities with this tornado. The team's thoughts go out to those affected! This was the same tornado that killed fellow storm chasers.


source: huffingtonpost

Monday, June 3, 2013

Alien Craft Harvesting Energy From Sun's Corona? - June 3, 2013

Some very strange objects caught by Helioviewer, that seem to be harvesting plasma from the Suns corona.

Are they extraterrestrial craft, living beings or light anomalies...

The objects seem to disappear and reappear and then how the objects remain in the same position.  If it was a planet type object wouldn't it move left or right in the time that it sat there?

It's not first time strange objects caught by SOHO or Helioviewer which apparently use the sun as an energy source. In 2012 a giant object appears next to the sun, harvesting energy from the sun.

Despite the recording dates back to 1996, this unique phenomenon is so interesting that again the question arises whether these objects using the sun as an energy source, or perhaps it's a form of space weather control undertaken by these objects.

Video 1: Short version. Video 2: Detailed 21 minutes version.